This area leads the visitor from the public lane to the original front door of the house which we reinstated early on. Given its prominence, it was one of the very first areas to receive attention, at a time when I still hadn’t fully formed my vision for La Corolla.
As a result it is one of the more conventional spaces, planting-wise – dependable shrubs, hybrid tea and floribunda roses. Over the years I’ve attempted to introduce a few more innovative, unexpected touches, but it’s an area that can easily be overlooked when I’m busy with new projects elsewhere. It’s just as well it can more or less look after itself – an attribute that’s all too easily undervalued.
(And the name? During the restoration of the house, a neighbour politely inquired why it was taking us so long. Were we building a palace? The thought of strolling through the Tuileries to reach our very own Louvre always puts a smile on our faces. Particularly as the original and our version look nothing alike.)